Full mouth dental implants

As people live longer, over one third of us will suffer from missing and failing teeth. Our largest generation to date the baby boomess (born between 1940 and 194) are suffering from missing teeth more than anyone else. The fillings and the dental treatment they received as teenagers and twenty something are over 40 years old with more  and more failing every day.

21st century advances in dental techniques and products provide the basis for creating a truly permanent solution that puts an end to patients   suffering as well as continuous visits to the dental clinics for procedures that eventually falls.

Dental implants have revolutionized dentistry by providing a stable / solid platform for replacement of teeth and bridges.

  1. Failing teeth- a dilemma
  2. Dental health – quality of life
  3. Dentures – past and present
  4. Full arch implants –
  5. Take responsibility in your dental health
  6. Implant consultant – diagnosis
  7. The clinical proven what to expect during and after
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